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Visa and Karta Pobytu Extension for Non-EU Citizens During Coronavirus Situation
Is your Karta Pobytu or Visa expiring during Coronavirus situation in Poland? - Don't worry! Disclaimer: The following information has been announced on the official website of The Office for Foreigners (Urząd do spraw cudzoziemców) - please refer to that information...
Mexican Shares His Experience of Entering Poland Under Lockdown
Since March 14, 2020, the borders (for commercial flights and international trains) of Poland have been closed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the country. There are people who can enter Poland by land: people with Polish nationality foreigners who...
Mexican Women Are “Trapped” in Poland Due to Border Closures
As we reported in days past, Poland's borders have been closed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the country. On March 13, 2020, the Polish government introduced a state of epidemic emergency. The Prime Minister reported some measures for all citizens such...
Breaking News: Poland closes its borders over Coronavirus
If you want to check the latest updates about Coronavirus in Poland click here Since March 3, 2020, when the Polish health minister - Łukasz Szumowski - reported that the first case of coronavirus infection in Poland was recorded in a man in the city of Zielona Góra...
First Case of Coronavirus Confirmed in Poland
If you want to check the latest updates about Coronavirus in Poland click here For some weeks the world news has been in relation with the coronavirus (COVI-19). This virus originated in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December of the year 2019. Since that...
How to Extend Your Stay in Poland
You came to Poland as a tourist, perhaps just to visit your partner, get to know the country, travel around Europe a bit... You were planning to stay here for no longer than the allowed 90 days, but something changed. Like many people before, being in Poland made you...