Since last March 13, 2020 when the Polish government introduced a state of epidemiological emergency, a large majority of businesses across Poland have had to close their doors to help the spread of Covid-19.
During this time, all citizens have been asked to stay home most of the time to help reduce the contagion curve. At some point we have to return to “normal”, and it seems that Poland is ready for this.
Stages to Return to Normal in Poland
The Polish government established four stages to return to normality, of which stages 1 and 2 have already been completed.
It is important to mention that the borders of Poland (air and railway borders) will remain closed until June 12, 2020 , but this date may be extended.
Stage 1 – was established from April 20:
- In stores of less than 100 square meters there can be up to four people for each box, while in stores of more than 100 square meters there may be one person for every 15 square meters
- The possibility of leaving home for recreational purposes returns. However, you will still have to keep a safe distance (2 meters) and cover your mouth and nose.
- Reopening of forests and parks, excluding playgrounds
- There can be one person for every 15 square meters in churches
Stage 2 – was established from May 4:
- Reopening of construction stores on weekends
- Reopening of hotels and other accommodation centers
- Reopening of some cultural institutions: libraries, museums and art galleries

Stage 3 – from May 18
There are still two stages pending to completely return to normality in the country, until now the Polish government announced the measures of the third stage (the fourth stage is still to be announced):
From May 18:
- Reopening of beauty salons and hairdressing salons
- Reopening of restaurants, cafes and bars
- Children under the age of 13 may leave home without adult supervision
- Resumption of practical classes only in professional higher education schools
- Reopening of care and education facilities such as care centers for people with disabilities, youth hostels, sports centers and community centers
- Resumption of outdoor cinema activities
- Resumption of work on cinema sets in a new health regime
- Resumption of phonographic and audiovisual recordings in cultural institutions
- Resumption of individual classes in art schools
- Resumption of rehearsals and exercises
- Resumption of sports training in sports halls under a new health regime.
- Most people allowed in religious ceremonies: 1 person for every 10 square meters.
From May 25:
- Possibility of childcare in primary schools grades I – III, in the form of care with educational activities (they are not regular classes, they are not compulsory)
- Educational consultations with teachers for primary and high school students for eighth grade primary and third grade high school students
- Practical classes at universities that require the presence of students.
From June 1:
- Educational consultations with teachers of all grade levels.
Stage 4 – Date pending to be confirmed
- To be confirmed
It does not matter if it seems that the situation is improving, remember to continue following the health recommendations of the authorities:
- Keep 2 meters away from others in public spaces.
- Cover your nose and mouth in public areas
- Work remotely whenever possible
- Stay home if you can
- Strictly follow sanitary regulations in places where there are many people. Especially in restaurants, in the hairdresser or aesthetics.
What do you think of these stages proposed by the Polish government? Do you think Poland is ready to return to normal? Share your comments!