Just like every 4 years, Polish people will soon choose their representatives in Parliament (in Polish: Sejm) and Senate (in Polish: Senat) – 460 MPs in 41 districts and 100 Senators in 100 districts to be precise. 

When & Where

The voting will take place on Sunday, October 13th, from 7:00 am till 9:00 pm. There are 5 committees that have registered their lists in at least half of the polling districts, and are at the moment the main players:

  • Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (PSL, Polish People’s Party), leader: Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz
  • Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS, Law and Justice), leader: Jarosław Kaczyński
  • Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD, Democratic Left Alliance), leader: Włodzimierz Czarzasty
  • Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość (Confederation Freedom and Independence), leader: Janusz Korwin-Mikke
  • KKW Koalicja Obywatelska PO .N iPL Zieloni (KO, Civic Coalition, incl. parties like Civic Platform, Modern & The Greens), leader: Grzegorz Schetyna)

Who Can Vote & How To Vote?

Every person with Polish citizenship and over 18 years of age can vote in the upcoming elections. All the voters will receive two voting cards – one with candidates for the Parliament, one with candidates for the Senate. To vote, a person should mark an “X” (only one per card!) next to the name of the candidate of their choice.


According to recent polls, PiS is still leading among voters. After the last elections in 2015, for the first time in the post-communist era, one party had won an outright majority and was able to form a majority government – and that was PiS.

Who do you think you would vote for? Not sure? You can check here which of the political parties is closest to your own views (in Polish only, but you can easily translate the questions with some online dictionary).

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Written by Karolina Kazmierska

Polish girl in love with Mexican culture and Spanish language. Experience in Marketing & HR, and also in Web Development.