
In order to study a Bachelor, Master or any Doctorate studies, you may need to undergo an official procedure called nostrification. Nostrification is a process of validating a diploma from your home country, proving that it is officially recognized by higher education institutions in Poland.

If you are required to undergo the nostrification procedure of e.g. your high school diploma, you will need the following documents:

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  • high school diploma + apostille + certified translation of the document into Polish
  • a document from the Embassy of your country in Poland stating that your high school diploma is valid and that you are eligible to study a higher degree program in your country of origin
  • original and copies of your passport
  • a document that your prospective university

Once you have all of those documents you need to go to the office in charge of this procedure (usually Kuratorium Oświaty). Each university should give you detailed information of when you need to start the nostrification procedure. You can find more detalied information in the following link:

David Huerta: Mexican blogger living in Poland. Graduated from Warsaw School of Economics.
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